thoughts. musings. ruminations.October 1, 2022Mark your calendars for my first book signing, and come say hi. (I promise there will be...September 1, 2022What do you do once you finish writing a book? Well, you begin the next one. I'm very excited...July 4, 2022Hello from the colorful borough of Hackney in London! It's my first time in England, and I'm...July 1, 2022Everyone knows I love reading and writing. In some ways, my passion for books is sort of my whole...June 24, 2022 · home,New Orleans,Joan of Arc,growth,changeRecently, a former student of mine reached out and invited me to attend a walking tour of the...May 18, 2022 · me,personal,passionsMaybe this should have been my introductory post, but it occurred to me only recently that my ...
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